The Machines de l'Île and its visitors join forces to protect the elephants
To make sure that our Great Elephant isn’t the only one remaining on earth a century from now, we have decided to support the “Des Eléphant et des Hommes” organization by offering to round off prices in our entire sales outlet.
This Marseille based NGO, has been working to preserve the elephants and their natural habitat since 2003 in both Africa and Asia. Human-elephant coexistence has been at the core of their operation.
Collaborating with the organization, the Elephant Conservation Center, located in the Sayaboury province in Laos, strives to preserve the Asian elephant from extinction.
Initiated in 2011 by a team of specialists, its program is focused on animal welfare, reproduction, veterinary care, mahout training and reintroduction of Asian elephants into the wild.
A century ago, Laos was nicknamed the “Land of a Million Elephants”, but there are less than 800 alive today.
From 2018 to 2021, our support will go to the center’s nursery and their efforts towards the creation of the first national wild elephant conservation park in Laos.
Since 2018, thanks to your support, we have contributed to the implementation of these 3 projects to help with Asian elephant conservation:
1 – Opening an endocrinology lab allowing for better veterinary care and gestation monitoring
2 – Socializing elephants in the Conservation Center and subsequent reintroduction of 5 elephants into the wild.

3 – Setting up the first elephant mounted forest ranger patrol and protection of 60 elephants of the Nam Pouy Nature Reserve

In September 2019, the Laos Elephant Conservation Center was awarded the “Conservation” certification by the independent licensing body ASIA CAPTIVE ELEPHANT STANDARD.

On the workshop’s passageways, discover the photo exhibit of the book La Marche des Géants by Sébastien Duffillot and Patrice Terraz, published by Actes Sud and sold at the Machines’ gift shop.
As part of the 2018 “Eté Indien aux Nefs”, the Machines de l’Île joined major cities around the world to organize “La Marche des éléphants”.
“La Marche des éléphants” was a special demonstration around the Great Elephant announcing our commitment to the preservation of elephants and the introduction of our rounding off proposal in our sales outlet.
The picture of our Great Elephant surrounded by thousands of Nantes’ inhabitants has been seen around the world!